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- Power To Destroy Satanic Embargo Pt 2www.youtu.be/mUCqsBX0yJo
- Power To Destroy Satanic Embargo Pt 1www.youtube.com/watch?v=ybcdShun1bo&feature=youtu.be
- Power To Make Wealth Pt 1www.youtube.com/watch?v=-RT-80vnHUU&feature=youtu.be
- The Secret Behind My Challenges( Asiri Ogun Ti Njami)www.youtube.com/watch?v=Np5mJ5zvVwc&feature=youtube_gdata_player
- Power To Subdue & Prevail Over Enemies Pt 1www.youtube.com/watch?v=jhNqG1-SZVg&feature=youtu.be
- Unending Prosperitywww.youtu.be/yxFG-fhiR88
- Anointing Power of God with FIRE Pt 4www.youtube.com/watch?v=9npHS47q058&feature=youtu.be
- Anointing Power of God with FIRE Pt 2www.youtube.com/watch?v=n0UgYqScmQ4&feature=youtu.be
- Anointing Power of God with Fire Pt 1www.youtube.com/watch?v=eRy_mLc7GT0&feature=youtu.be
- Power of Prayerwww.youtube.com/watch?v=0vU_VJgQJ-k&feature=youtu.be
[30/08 12:22] Adetayo Adelaja: Eku Orire. Oil of Breakthrough
[30/08 12:22] Adetayo Adelaja: Eku Orire. Ladder of Greatness
[30/08 12:22] Adetayo Adelaja: Watch “Eku Orire. The Power of the Prophet” on YouTube – Eku Orire. The Power of the Prophet: http://youtu.be/teO6TBE9GhA
[30/08 12:25] Adetayo Adelaja: Eku Orire. Mercy and Grace Multiply
[30/08 12:26] Adetayo Adelaja: Eku Orire. Why am I Alive.
[30/08 12:26] Adetayo Adelaja: Eku Orire. Jehovah God will smile on you
[30/08 12:26] Adetayo Adelaja: Eku Orire. I am more than an eagle
[30/08 12:27] Adetayo Adelaja: Eku Orire. Release from evil police.
[30/08 12:27] Adetayo Adelaja: Eku Orire. My God is Supreme
[30/08 12:27] Adetayo Adelaja: Watch “Eku Orire. My God is extra powerful God” on YouTube – Eku Orire. My God is extra powerful God: http://youtu.be/MSwfaByduMU
[30/08 12:27] Adetayo Adelaja: Eku Orire. The Most Powerful Rules.
[30/08 12:28] Adetayo Adelaja: Eku Orire. Blessing without Sorrow
[30/08 12:28] Adetayo Adelaja: Deep calls unto deep
[30/08 12:28] Adetayo Adelaja: Eku Orire. Households Bondage (Igbekun Abinibi)
[30/08 12:28] Adetayo Adelaja: Eku Orire. Self Invited Problems
[30/08 12:29] Adetayo Adelaja: Eku Orire. Prophecy
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M3PNeFxQ2oc[30/08 12:29] Adetayo Adelaja: Watch “Eku Orire. Topic: Can the prey of the terrible be…” on YouTube – Eku Orire. Topic: Can the prey of the terrible be…:
http://youtu.be/7PrvdroXgpc[30/08 12:32] Adetayo Adelaja: Eku Orire. I am out of Affliction.
[30/08 12:32] Adetayo Adelaja: Eku Orire. Who is your Father/Mother in the Lord?